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Students have the opportunity to incorporate classroom and applied learning into their degree programs through a variety of methods. Many programs require experiential learning experiences as integral to the degree and other programs provide optional credit-bearing opportunities. The College is committed to experiences that are structured, begin with appropriate orientation and training, are monitored, and include learner reflection, activity assessment and evaluation.

Among the applied learning experiences are practicums in clinical settings; internships in local businesses or agencies; cooperative work experiences; field study; student-faculty research; study abroad; service learning; and opportunities to engage in independent creative expression. Types of experiences and the number offered vary by degree program. The purpose is to ensure that there is integration between classroom theory and practical experience. Often these experiences include a seminar or capstone class which helps students to make that important connection between theory and practice. Through experiential course offerings students can explore a career and prepare for future employment or advanced studies.

Many applied learning experiences have entrance requirements, involve the purchase of student liability insurance, and may have limited enrollment. All interested students are encouraged to contact their academic department or campus career office and they will be assisted or referred as appropriate. In programs where an applied learning experience is required to complete the curriculum, it is recommended that students begin the application process prior to registration. Applied learning opportunities may be offered within several programs including Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies.

In addition to those credit-bearing experiences, the College provides many applied learning opportunities that do not involve the awarding of academic credit. Students should consult the Student Life section of this catalog for some of these offerings. Lastly, each campus can provide guidance to students on the scores of opportunities related to community service and engagement, creative expression, leadership development, and campus employment.