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花季传媒 Early College Program (ECP) is an opportunity for high school juniors and seniors who attend our partner school districts to earn college credits while having an experience of college life. Students enroll in college classes and interact with college faculty, staff and other students. ECP students can earn college-level credits while continuing to complete high school.

All classes are taught by college professors, and ECP students are integrated into classes with college students. Each program participant is assigned an ECP counselor. With guidance from the College鈥檚 Program staff, students select classes from the general education program or take a sequence of courses in a particular curriculum.

Enrollment in courses through Suffolk鈥檚 Early College Program generates an official 花季传媒academic transcript for each student. Successfully earned credits are accepted at 花季传媒or can be transferred to a multitude of other colleges and universities. Acceptance of credit for college-level course work is under the domain of the receiving colleges and universities with general acceptance within State University of New York (SUNY) institutions. Graduates of the program have gone on to notable two and four-year institutions, including 花季传媒 and are strong candidates for their Honor鈥檚 Program.